Professionally Trained in Trauma Work.

Virtual and In-Person Sessions Available.

Stop anxiety with Drug Free Therapy.

“For years, anxiety limited and hindered my work and relationships, manifesting in various forms such as depression, panic attacks, and procrastination. Once I recognized these symptoms as anxiety,  I was determined to find solutions. My journey led me to discover effective techniques to manage anxiety and live life to the fullest. In my books, I share these trans-formative gems that have helped me and my clients to shift old thinking patterns and thrive. By offering approachable, simple, and healthy methods, I aim to empower others to take control of their mental well-being and realize their dreams. If I can overcome anxiety, so can you! Together, we can embark on this journey towards a fulfilling and thriving life.”


“I am committed to using my energy and passion to inspire and empower people to live in harmony in the most loving and honouring way.”

In the midst of the bustling Canadian workforce, a fragile veneer separates over half a million individuals grappling with mental health challenges from their daily responsibilities. Yet, when that veneer fractures, statistics reveal a stark reality: one in four Canadians will confront a serious mental health issue during their lifetime. Tragically, over 762 young lives are lost to suicide each year, underscoring the urgency of addressing mental health concerns. The toll isn’t just emotional; it’s also financial, with mental illness imposing a staggering $60 billion burden on the Canadian economy annually.

For over four decades, Elke has been a beacon of support for youth to adults — navigating their darkest moments, particularly those grappling with trauma and PTSD.  Her therapeutic approach not only offers solace to those in crisis but also equips others with invaluable tools to manage stress before it spirals into despair. In Elke’s realm, tranquility replaces turmoil, and the daunting shadows of fear and anxiety are illuminated by a newfound focus on self-discovery and resilience.

As a registered psychotherapist, Elke’s mission extends beyond mere therapy sessions; she is dedicated to nurturing the inner fortitude of her clients. Through her unwavering dedication, Elke not only helps individuals navigate life’s challenges but also empowers them to embrace change and live life to its fullest potential.

Elke Scholz MA, REACE, RP, has her Masters in Expressive Art Therapy, Registered Expressive Arts Consultant/Educator, Registered Psychotherapist, with the CRPO College of Registered Psychotherapist of Ontario, She is a certified EMDR Therapist. She uses DBT, CBT, and solution-focused therapy.

Most insurances and NHIB ( First Nations Health Benefits ) cover her services.   Elke works with educators, social workers, doctors, corporations, organizations and groups. She has spent over forty years helping people.


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